BUILT Marketing Strategies

Best Practices for Construction Industry Web Sites

By Michael A. Monahan, Founder, President & Lead Consultant, BUILT Marketing Strategies

One significant marketing hurdle that has become apparent in our professional experience is the effective application of digital best practices for construction industry websites.

A company’s website, arguably its public face, poses the initial challenge. This platform typically serves as the subsequent point of interaction for potential customers, whether following a personal introduction or a referred lead. Considering this, one must question whether their website adequately mirrors their company identity, espouses their core principles, and effectively conveys the solutions they offer. It is crucial for a website to distinguish itself from competitors, validate the company’s professional standing, and foster trust with prospective clientele.

To assist you in evaluating your website and its key components, we have compiled the following guidelines of best practices for construction industry websites.

The About Page:

This provides an opportunity for your customers to learn about your corporate identity and core values.

The Services Page:

Beyond listing the services your construction company offers, this page should highlight your unique selling propositions vis-à-vis your competitors.

The Testimonial Page:

Leveraging social proof and testimonials can help your audience connect with previous clients’ experiences, invoking a sense of ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO) that could drive them to seek your services.

The Gallery Page:

While images play a significant role in your website’s SEO, they also offer your audience tangible evidence of your work and potential outcomes they could expect when collaborating with you.

For additional guidance on website design aesthetics, Hubspot wrote an article noting the key elements for the aesthetic of your website, which can be found here.

The Blog Page:

The blog page serves as an ideal platform to keep your audience informed on pertinent news, insights, and project completions. It also functions as a crucial component in boosting your website’s SEO.

The Contact Page:

The contact page is self-explanatory, serving as a call-to-action for your audience, encouraging them to initiate contact via the provided means. It is essential to maintain this feature consistently, ensuring that any communication, such as email inquiries, is promptly addressed.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us.